News: Magic Leap Resolves Legal Conflict with Former Security Director

Magic Leap Resolves Legal Conflict with Former Security Director

Flying under the radar during Magic Leap's big week at the Game Developers Conference, the company settled a potentially ugly lawsuit with a former employee.

Earlier this month, we reported that Magic Leap's senior director of global security, Todd Keil, was embroiled in a dispute involving his claim of alleged violations of the Defend Trade Secrets Act (DTSA) related to HoloLens shipments to the company and age discrimination. Subsequently, Magic Leap denied the allegations in a legal filing against Keil in the Eastern District of Texas, where Keil lives.

However, it now appears that the contentious legal wrangling has come to a swift end.

"Magic Leap and Todd Keil have resolved their dispute," a Magic Leap spokesperson told the Sun Sentinel in a report on Tuesday. "Magic Leap and Mr. Keil each thank the other for working collaboratively to accomplish this resolution and each wishes the other well in all future endeavors."

Keil, who no longer works at Magic Leap, offered no further insight into the brief legal scuffle, telling the paper, "I would love to talk about it, but I signed a non-disclosure agreement."

And while this latest legal turn is good news for the company, another potentially explosive legal complaint filed by an ex-Magic Leap worker still looms in the background. That lawsuit, which alleges improper hiring practices, was filed by Kimberly Couto, who also reportedly claims she was fired one day after pointing out the hiring issue to the company's executives and attorneys.

"We are confident the complaint is entirely without merit and will vigorously defend the Company against these baseless claims," said Magic Leap in a statement given to Next Reality last week. "We believe the lawsuit, which is one of many filed by the same Florida-based law firm, is part of an ongoing effort to exploit Magic Leap's high profile stature and financial resources through blatant abuse of process."

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Cover image via Magic Leap/Twitter

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