News: Brenda Freeman Leaves Behind TV & Film to Join Magic Leap as CMO

Brenda Freeman Leaves Behind TV & Film to Join Magic Leap as CMO

Today, December 7, it was officially announced that Magic Leap has found their replacement for the recently departed Brian Wallace. Magic Leap CEO Rony Abovitz has tapped Brenda Freeman, former EVP and Chief Marketing Officer of National Geographic Channel, as their new Chief Marketing Officer.

Brenda Freeman, Magic Leap's incoming Chief Marketing Officer. Image via Variety

Marketing can be a make or break elements of any product hitting the market. Freeman has been brand building throughout most of her career with companies like DreamWorks Animation, Turner Broadcasting, Viacom, VH1, and MTV.

For HoloLens enthusiasts like myself who really want the HoloLens to do well, this could be a bit disheartening. Well, you know what they say, "a rising tide lifts all boats." The more Magic Leap grows, the more mixed reality will grow.

I'm incredibly excited to welcome Brenda to the Magic Leap team and family. Brenda's deep experience with brand building combined with her technology understanding, and passion for creating amazing experiences and lasting connections with audiences, consumers and users, make her a perfect fit for Magic Leap. Brenda is a geek at heart, and she will help us connect with a wide and diverse future universe of Magic Leaper users.

A quick look at Freeman's Twitter backs up the geek at heart statement. And apparently, she has great taste in literature, especially for someone moving into the mixed reality market.

Essential reading for someone that is interested in next reality tech. Image via Brenda Freeman

In a recent Glassdoor job posting, speculation has sprouted that Magic Leap is ready for real-world testing.

This position involves collecting data with Magic Leap devices in real world locations. Work will entail setting up and using high precision equipment to capture both environments and user behavior in home settings. Applicants will be based at Magic Leap Headquarters in Plantation, and drive with equipment to nearby locations for data collection.

— Glassdoor

With these types of movements going on, can it be much longer until we actually get to see what Magic Leap will be offering the world? If Brenda Freeman does her job well, we'll go insane waiting for our chance to try it.

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Cover image by Magic Leap

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