News: Magic Leap Has Been Making Big Deals Ahead of Highly Anticipated Launch

Magic Leap Has Been Making Big Deals Ahead of Highly Anticipated Launch

Magic Leap is no stranger to hype and speculative advancement—when their name pops up in the news, all focus turns to them. And the company is making news again this week, with the knowledge of an acquisition of a startup founded by former Apple employees, and by hiring animators from an Emmy and Oscar award-winning studio.

Business Insider reports that the flourishing company has purchased Fuzzycube Software, a small game company based out of Dallas, Texas. Notably, the company was founded by former Apple employees, which explains how the two entities became acquainted; Magic Leap CCO Graeme Devine worked for Apple as well, until 2010.

According to Business Insider, the independent game company was acquired in the spring of 2016, then moved into Magic Leap's large pool of creatives. It wasn't a massive merger by any means, as Fuzzycube's entire company consists of less than 10 people. Interestingly, all still work out of Dallas instead of Magic Leap's Florida headquarters.

Image by WIRED/YouTube

In addition to this purchase, Magic Leap had looked into acquiring the acclaimed animation studio Moonbot, who was responsible for both the Oscar award-winning animation "The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore" and the Emmy award-winning commercial "The Scarecrow," so it's no surprise Magic Leap would look to this studio to aid in its own endeavors.

The acquisition didn't end up going through, but Magic Leap did bring in roughly twelve of Moonbot Studio's employees, making sure to stack its creative department with people who would help produce launch-worthy content.

And Magic Leap is going to need launch-worthy content if it wants to make a splash on release. Hardware can only take you so far—for all the hype, without the right software applications, Magic Leap may find itself falling behind. For now, however, it appears they know what they're doing.

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Cover image via Magic Leap

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